CRM Consulting
We help you to Select, Integrate and Optimise your CRM solution.
We can advise you on how to keep sales and prospect data central and secure whilst energising your sales team to easily stay on top of their opportunities and automatically generate new leads
Issues you might be having today
Your existing sales lead and prospects development might include:
It's not Connected
Clunky management oversight and control of contact activity including emails, meetings, calls and social.
Lack of Control
Wide open to internal and external theft ( e.g. sales guys leaves with order book).
Data is not Centralised
No real-time management dashboard, control, and targeting.
It's messy, not Clean
Excel, PowerPoint with lots of paper and notepads
CRM Maturity Model
We propose three distinct delivery blocks to address your CRM maturity. Each block has clear milestones and return on investment.
Each block is available consecutively or standalone. Typically each block lasts for 30-60 days, this can be accelerated if needed. Remember change can be hard, we work at the pace your team can match.
Block One : Standing Strong
Gather all customer contact data in one place
Agree on what's important
Merge and purge
Define CRM requirements into ‘needs and wants’
Agree on the business case: What is the ROI on this investment?
Create a project plan (scope, budget, schedule, resources)
Launch new solution
Block Two : Walking
Hand-hold workshop start with your team
Email templates
Documents (calling cards and leave-behinds)
Alerts (find out who just opened your email, visited your website, clicked that attachment)
Emails, meetings and deals (i.e. pipeline) in one place
Block Three : Running
Marketing Integration
All marketing lead capture
Other software links (finance, operations)
Ideal Client Profile (ICP)
Workshop your ICP
Search and filter
Select for marketing - early engagement
Set up our Warm Pool
AI Sequences
Website intent triggers