We use our proven ERP Evaluation & Selection Methodology to find the best software solution for your needs.

ERP Evaluation & Selection

Selecting an ERP system can be challenging for companies as it is not a skillset they have in the business. There are many ERP choices in the market and selecting the best fit can be a challenge. COGO are Technology Agnostic (Independent) in ERP evaluation and selection, offering impartial guidance, underpinned by extensive experience, benchmarks and a tried-and-tested methodology. We have assisted our clients in the system evaluation and selection process across multiple industries and company sizes.

Smart Software Selection, Powered by AI and Expert Insight

Finding the right software is crucial. At COGO, we combine AI-driven insights with the expertise of our trained consultants to deliver precise, unbiased software evaluations tailored to your needs.

We have evaluated all Tier 1 ERP and CRM systems and a large number of Tier 2 and custom house ERP systems. We have also assisted clients in selecting other software for, including solutions for Production Scheduling, Procurement, Integrated Business Planning and Warehouse Management.

Top Tier 1 evaluated software

Other software  solutions  evaluated:​

Our methodology for Evaluating software

  • 1. Project Initiation & Plan

    To initiate the project, we will;

    • Understand your vision and primary objectives for the project.

    • Agree the timeline and high-level plan for the selection process. This plan will set out the key milestones for each phase of the selection.

    • Agree the appropriate team with representation from all key stakeholders.

    • Agree the selection criteria that will be used to compare the candidate solutions.

    • Understand your budget constraints.

  • 2. Scoping & Requirements

    For scope we will consider:

    • Which parts of the organisation should be included?

    • How the solution will form part of the overall system landscape that currently exists?

    • What functional areas should be covered by ERP?

    • What benefits will the ERP project be expected to deliver?

    • Whether there are business process changes to be considered?

    • Key integrations with other systems

    • Any constraints as to how the system should be deployed?

    High-level requirements are required for inclusion in the RFP to ensure we can measure the different vendor offerings against a clear set of requirements. This also allows due diligence and transparency. We will run workshops with your SMEs to document the requirements.

    Our objective will to be to get sufficient detail of requirements to enable your business to select the most suitable software to meet the main business requirements. These are not intended to be design workshops.

  • 3. System Integrator Shortlist

    Selecting an ERP solution means selecting both the technology and the implementation partner.

    At the start of any selection process, it is important to gather a list of suitable candidate solutions. 

    • We will review software and vendors in the market that meet the overall scope and criteria for the business requirements.

    • We will recommend a shortlist of vendors who should be considered for the RFP.

    • We will work with you to review this list and the justification for inclusion/exclusion. The business will confirm the list of vendors that should be included in the RFP.

    • We will work with you to open discussions with the vendors to inform them of an RFP process and the high-level timeline (RFP issue date, response date, vendor presentations, selection timelines, etc).

    • This allows vendors to prepare for the RFP and to ensure we understand which vendors will/will not be submitting a proposal.

    We have the ERP market experience to help to identify the best shortlist.

  • 4.  RFP

    We can prepare an RFP on your behalf or support your team. Once drafted, the business will then review the RFP and approve the final version.

    The RFP can then be issued. We will support questions & answers vendors may have on the RFP. We will assist you with the evaluation of written proposals submitted by vendors. We will provide our opinion on the best (approx. top 3) proposals that should be invited for presentations and further discussion. We will agree with the you how much you want us to be directly involved in selecting the final vendors for the next phase, but it will be your decision to approve the final list. We will support the definition of the RFP evaluation criteria and scorecard.

    We have benchmarks and a library of similar evaluations to allow us to measure proposals for


  • 5. Preferred Vendor Selection

    Once the written proposals are shortlisted, these vendors are typically invited to present their solution. We attend vendor presentations, support discussions and evaluation of the preferred vendors.

    • We will support the scoring of vendors to ensure a balanced and fair scorecard. Your team will attend presentations and finalise the scoring.

    • This process will be led by your team, supported by us.

  • 6. Negotiation and Contract Support

    • We can provide advice during negotiations and contracting, but don’t normally take a direct role in this phase

    • We will, however, give input based on our previous experience in this area (e.g. things to consider and cover).

    • We can read the contract, but don’t normally provide any legal advice or recommended changes to legal terms

    • At the end of the process, you will have selected your software and System Integrator. We can further assist in the implementation by providing Business-side support (e.g. Change Management, Project Management, training and testing)


  • We have many years of experience evaluating and implementing ERP solutions.

  • We are an independent advisor and do not sell ERP software

  • We have a tried-and-tested approach to ERP Evaluation & Selection. We have templates and benchmarks to ensure we can measure against other ERP implementations.

  • We have evaluated a wide range of ERP Products and key implementation partners and how they may fit into your objectives.

  • The process facilitates broad business involvement, which promotes buy-in.

  • We provide a transparent balanced evaluation approach providing senior management with visibility of project costs, timescales, intended solution and benefits.