SAP Reboot

Do you sometimes feel like your ERP system and processes needs a kick-start? Speak to us about our proven SAP Business Reboot methodology

Sometimes SAP stops being a business enabler

We are seeing more clients where their SAP system has fallen into disrepair.

  • Users start using Excel, email or other ways to work around process, data, people or system issues. 

  • Experienced staff leave the organisation and the SAP expertise diminishes over time.

  • Small incremental improvements are not effective. The business gets fatigued and tired of waiting for an impact.

  • The SAP IT Centre of Excellence is tasked with making sure the SAP system functions without bugs, but no one is looking at how transactional and master data is governed and how this is preventing the effective use of SAP. 

You need a solution that is going to be impactful and cause a paradigm shift in how your processes and ERP system operates.

Our "SAP Reboot methodology" can address these issues

We initiate a single “reboot” project to resolve the underlying business use of SAP. This includes identifying improvements, remediation action, cleansing master and transaction data, re-training users to use SAP effectively, creating knowledge and training materials. Develop and implement Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for SAP system monitoring and performance optimisation.

A single go live of all improvements on a single weekend, new Ways of Working after the go live, embedding the improvements and monitor usage to ensure processes are being followed.